BIN HAIDER Ltd. has established this policy to control those with any unacceptable behaviour, poor performance or violation of the company’s policies, practices or procedures. BIN HAIDER Ltd. seeks to provide an active, problems free work environment. This policy consists of a number of levels for different disciplinary actions:
# Verbal Warning: An employee will be given a verbal warning when a problem is identified that justifies verbal warnings. The verbal warning will be subject to management decisions in accordance with the company Internal Regulations.
# Written Warning: A written warning is more serious than a verbal warning. A written warning will be given when an employee engages in conduct that justifies a written warning or the employee engages in unacceptable behavior during the period that the verbal warning is in effect. Written warnings are maintained in an employee’s personnel file.
# Salary Deduction: An employee will get a salary deduction when he engages in conduct that justifies salary deduction or the employee engages in unacceptable behavior during the period that the written warning is in effect. The salary deduction will be documented and maintained in the employees personnel file.
# Suspension: An employee will be suspended when he engages in conduct that justifies a suspension or the employee engages in an unacceptable behavior during the period that the written warning is in effect. Any employee’s suspension will be documented and, regardless of length of the suspension issued.
# Termination: An employee will be terminated when he engages in conduct that justifies termination or does not correct the matter that resulted in less sever discipline.
This policy was established according to BIN HAIDER Ltd. internal regulation and shall be communicated to all the Company employees.